शिक्षणमहर्षीं डॉ. बापूजी साळुंखे जन्मशताब्दी वर्ष २०१८-१९

Life and Mission

Shikshan Maharshi Bapuji Salunkhe - Life and Mission

The life and mission of Shikshanmaharshi Dr. Bapuji Salulnkhe will be marked as the golden era in the educational history of Maharashtra. Bapuji’s original name was Gavindrao Dnyanojirao Salunkhe. It was because of the great influence    Mahatma Gandhi exerted on his life that his kith and kin started calling him   Bapuji’  and the same nomenclature caught on in his later life.

Bapuji was born in Rampur village situated in Patan Taluka of Satara District. Deprived of both of his parents in his early boyhood, Bapuji had to acquire his education in the face of adversity. He took his B.A. Degree in 1945; and passed his B.T. in 1949. Endowed with powerful eloquence, Bapuji was interested in Sanskrit, Marathi and Mathematics.

The starting point of Bapuji’s educational career was when he was appointed  as ‘Rajguru' in the princely state of Sondur in 1940. But soon the career came to an  end as the electrified patriot plunged himself head long into the vortex of “Quit India Movement" headed by Mahatma Gandhi . Later, during his tenure as the chairman of Satara District Students Congress, in 1947, Bapuji proved instrumental in    collecting funds (1 Lac Rupees) in honour of Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil, the founder of Rayat Shikshan Sanstha. This great mission was recognized by no smaller personality than Mahatma Gandhi, in 1948. Bapuji wrote a short story of freedom fighters in Satara district based on his personal interviews with the activists.

Bapuji served in Rayat Shikshan Sanstha for a decade-from 1945 to 1955; for the first four years in the capacity of a teacher and then as the headmaster of Mahatma Gandhi Vidyalaya, Rukadi which he developed with his missionary zeal and indefatigable work. Bapuji left the Rayat Shikshan Sanstha in 1955, along with some of his colleagues. 
The life and mission of Shikshanmaharshi Dr. Bapuji Salulnkhe will be marked as the golden era in the educational history of Maharashtra. Bapuji’s original name was Gavindrao Dnyanojirao Salunkhe. It was because of the great influence    Mahatma Gandhi exerted on his life that his kith and kin started calling him   Bapuji’  and the same nomenclature caught on in his later life.

Bapuji was born in Rampur village situated in Patan Taluka of Satara District. Deprived of both of his parents in his early boyhood, Bapuji had to acquire his education in the face of adversity. He took his B.A. Degree in 1945; and passed his B.T. in 1949. Endowed with powerful eloquence, Bapuji was interested in Sanskrit , Marathi and Mathematics.

The starting point of Bapuji’s educational career was when he was appointed  as ‘Rajguru' in the princely state of Sondur in 1940. But soon the career came to an  end as the electrified patriot plunged himself head long into the vortex of “Quit India Movement" headed by Mahatma Gandhi . Later, during his tenure as the chairman of Satara District Students Congress, in 1947, Bapuji proved instrumental in    collecting funds (1 Lac Rupees) in honour of Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil, the founder of Rayat Shikshan Sanstha. This great mission was recognized by no smaller personality than Mahatma Gandhi, in 1948. Bapuji wrote a short story of freedom fighters in Satara district based on his personal interviews with the activists.

Bapuji served in Rayat Shikshan Sanstha for a decade-from 1945 to 1955; for the first four years in the capacity of a teacher and then as the headmaster of Mahatma Gandhi Vidyalaya, Rukadi which he developed with his missionary zeal and indefatigable work. Bapuji left the Rayat Shikshan Sanstha in 1955, along with some of his colleagues.